For my second service project as the 2020 Miss Inver Grove Heights Princess, I decided I wanted to give back to the animals in the community. I started my project by reaching out to friends and family and asking them if they would be willing to donate any cat or dog supplies. I was very grateful to receive many donations from so many wonderful people. Thank you so much if you helped contribute to this project. Next, I decided that I wanted to handmake dog toys to donate as well. With the help of my mom, I ended up handmaking almost 100 dog toys to donate as well. These dog toys were made out of fleece that I had leftover from my last service project where I made tie blankets for children’s hospital. This fleece was also donated to me by friends and family. Once I had all of my supplies together I dropped off the supplies at Last Hope which is an animal organization that is located in Farmington. This organization helps to supply dog and cat items to people in the surrounding areas. On top of this, they also help get dogs and cats into foster homes until they can be adopted out. I am so grateful that I got to work with such an amazing organization on this project and I am also so grateful that I had the help of so many friends and family members to complete this project.
2020 Miss Inver Grove Heights Princess