Ashley VanKempen Service Project – Food Drive

2013-AshleyCanFoodDriveAs a part of the Inver Grove Heights Royalty program, we get to do some volunteer work and service projects.  At Christmas time I decided to do a Can Food Drive. Over the course of a month I stood outside our light-decorated house, passed out candy canes, met lots of new people, and saw lots of limos with people light-gazing.  I was able to collect 118 lbs of food for Neighbors Inc.!  When I delivered the food they told me that it will supply a lot of families with some very nice meals for a long time. It made me so happy to know that my work would provide for so many people. I hope to continue to do this every year and hope with each year it grows more and more.


Ashley VanKempen
2013 Inver Grove Heights Little Miss