2017 Jr Winter Carnival Coronation

image1 (2)On Saturday, January 14, I was able to attend the Junior Winter carnival coronation with my royal sisters. When we got there we took lots of pictures in our new formal dress and jewelry! After we got done taking picture it was time for the coronation. At the coronation we got to meet all the junior candidates and we even got to see the miss candidates. The emcees distracted us with cheesy puns and somersaults while the judges made their final choice. Finally it was the time everyone was waiting for, the results of who had won. After the coronation we went right to the beverages and cake while the newly crowned candidates were getting their pictures taken. From the experience from our coronation, that pictures with other royalty took forever, we got first in line. We congratulated the new royalty and got a picture taken with them. After that we mingled a little and got more pictures taken. I’m really excited to get to know and spend time with the new junior winter carnival royalty at future events.

Ally Mraz

2017 Junior Miss Inver Grove Heights